
Join the Kickstarter Accelerator

Four months to a successful Publishing Kickstarter. Covers planning, marketing, launching, and fulfillment. Get access to Russell, Monica, and a community of author-creators who are crushing it on Kickstarter.

Whether you're starting from an audience of zero or have a well-established author business that you'd like to grow, Kickstarter may be your right next move.

Can You Relate?

You write good books but you can’t seem to get traction on retailers.

Or you’ve had success on retailers but competition is making it hard to keep your earnings up. You’ve plateaued or dropped despite your efforts to grow.

You know you need to develop new revenue streams and sell direct to readers, but you aren’t sure how to get started…

And you don’t want to build a website that may not get traction or pre-buy a ton of inventory that you don’t know if you can sell.

You want to build an audience and you are starting from scratch.

Or you have an audience but you want to engage with them more, do the cool things they keep asking for, and give them more ways to give you more money.

Raised $20,500+ on a publishing project…

“Funded in 28 minutes! Thanks for all your help, Russell Nohelty and Monica Leonelle!!!”


What if you could...

  • Find a new revenue stream that nets you tens of thousands of extra dollars a year?
  • Make money on your book before you launch it on retailers? (Then launch it in the black and make *even more* money on it?)
  • Make money on your backlist by launching a new edition to new audiences?
  • Make a higher revenue per reader than you’d typically make on a retailer?
  • Develop a deeper fandom for your work and grow your audience from where you are now?


The Kickstarter Accelerator

Plan, Market, and Launch Your Next Kickstarter Using the Kickstarter Accelerator Methodology that Russell Nohelty developed from running 20+ Kickstarters and raising $300,000+ on novels, anthologies, comics, and audio dramas.

Here's what you'll get

OVER $1,600,000 raised from group members*

*including experts and students

$4,486 on a first campaign…

“Never, ever, in my wildest dreams did I expect to get featured by Kickstarter on my first campaign. There’s no way I would’ve done it without all of you, and Russell, and Monica. So thank you for your feedback and support while I was freaking out if this campaign would work at all, because it’s meant the world. All the little things pay off, and you do better over time.”


Hundreds worth of bonuses

Bonus #1

Russell's audience-building course, How To Build an Audience From Scratch ($27 value). This helps you go from zero to audience in the month before your campaign launches. You receive these when you join the Accelerator.

Bonus #2

Our Kickstarter Budget Spreadsheet Template + instructional videos ($97 value). This helps you create profitable reward tiers that readers are more likely to gravitate to. You receive these when you join the Accelerator.

Bonus #3

A digital copy of our signature book, Get Your Book Selling on Kickstarter ($10 value). This gives you a digestible written instructional guide to use alongside our lessons and mentorship. You receive these when you join the Accelerator.

Bonus #4

Two of Russell's solo books in ebook + audiobook, How To Become a Successful Author and How To Build a Creative Career ($60 value). These two books share some of Russell's best secrets on building his audience and figuring out direct sales through various avenues. You receive these when you pay for the Accelerator in a one-time payment.

Bonus #5

Russell's Kickstarter Copy Vault ($197 value). For the first time ever, we're putting together Russell's emails + 17-day email plan and creating prompt templates so *you* can write copy like Russell throughout your campaign. This is a new piece of content that we are not making available to anyone for purchase, so you literally can't buy it. You receive these when you pay for the Accelerator in a one-time payment.

Bonus #6

One of the most powerful marketing tactics an author can use on Kickstarter is mastering cross promotion with other campaigns.

To help, we're giving you a copy of our book Get Your Book Selling with Cross Promotion to help you level up your marketing before, during, and after the campaign.


Upgrade to The Direct Sales Accelerator and Go Wide, Grow Wide

If you upgrade to the Membership for $999, you will get one year of access to our two premiere courses, the Direct Sales Accelerator and Go Wide, Grow Wide.

About the Direct Sales Accelerator

Are you looking to grow a fanbase that will buy everything you do no matter where you sell it? Do you want to decrease your reliance on retailers and grow a sustainable business outside the whims of their algorithms? Have you been trying to sell direct and failing to gain traction? Then our Direct Sales Accelerator is perfect for you.

More than a course, the Direct Sales Accelerator is part mastermind, part course, and part practicum. This course is still in beta, and you will help create the course as we go, making it incredibly powerful for you. Plus, you have lifetime access, which means you pay the lowest price we’ll ever sell it for and get access to this powerful system for as long as we support the course.

Here's what you'll get

About Go Wide, Grow Wide

Do you want to get your books selling wide on the Big 5 retailers—Amazon, Apple Books, Kobo, Google Play Books, and Barnes and Noble? Do you want to discover new niche opportunities to distribute your books, like fiction apps, small storefronts, and more?

Do you want to improve your print sales through your website, IngramSpark, and indie bookstores? Do you want to improve your audiobook sales and find new ways to create and distribute your audiobooks?

Do you want to get better at advertising on Facebook, Bookbub, and Amazon while your books are wide at all retailers?

Join the Go Wide, Grow Wide Incubator for a full year and get laser-targeted, niche topics full of tips, hacks, and tricks to optimize your books on every platform and improve your wide sales. Develop new income streams and reduce your dependence on any one retailer, platform, or format.

Here's what you'll get


Every month we welcome speakers into our community to help you get to the next level. Here are some of the speakers we’ve had join us on our monthly member-only calls.


Emilia Rose

Michael Evans


Steve Pieper


Tyler James


Steph Pajones


Becca Syme


Theodora Taylor


Jennifer Hilt

Join the Kickstarter Accelerator

You get access to the program and group immediately.

Option #1: The Kickstarter Accelerator One-Time Payment of $599

Secure your spot in the program now for a one-time and total payment of $599, and get all of our pay-in-full bonuses!

Because you get access to all the content immediately, there are no refunds.

Option #2: Join Our Membership: The Kickstarter Accelerator + Direct Sales Accelerator + Go Wide, Grow Wide for $999

Access all our courses for $999 and get all of our bonuses! Plus, get one year access to our montly membership calls, Because you get access to all the content immediately, there are no refunds.

100+ backers and $3400+ total funding…

“A huge thank you to Russell Nohelty and Monica Leonelle. This has been invaluable and HUGELY affirming. Watching engagement, seeing people discover my work and opt in, it’s all…pretty overwhelming, honestly. Without the advocacy of Russell and Monica, however, I don’t think I would have tried it, and having a community all trying this at once really helps! Onwards and upwards!”


Last project hit five figures…

“Shout out to Russell and Monica for sharing their knowledge and creating value for all of us. It is easy to feel overwhelmed on Kickstarter and they are truly a guiding light.”


$2500 on a children’s book…

“I reached the minimum goal and now just keep adding more preorders until it ends. Huge learning curve but it has shown me another place to publish where we have direct access to the readers and can lavish extra goodies on super fans. Now my brain is sparking with ideas for how to bring my future books into Kickstarter as part of the publishing process.”


This is for you if...

This is not for you if...

Doubled backer numbers and funding total from the previous campaign…

“This is my first time receiving the ‘Projects We Love’ badge and I am soooo excited. Thank you to Russell Nohelty and Monica Leonelle for all the insights to helps us craft better Kickstarters!”


Join the Kickstarter Accelerator

You get access to the program and group immediately.

Option #1: The Kickstarter Accelerator One-Time Payment of $599

Secure your spot in the program now for a one-time and total payment of $599, and get all of our pay-in-full bonuses!

Because you get access to all the content immediately, there are no refunds.

Option #2: Join Our Membership: The Kickstarter Accelerator + Direct Sales Accelerator + Go Wide, Grow Wide for $297/quarter

Secure your spot in the program for $297/quarter, and get all of our bonuses!

Because you get access to all the content immediately, there are no refunds.

Russell Nohelty

I’m a USA Today bestselling author of science fiction and fantasy books that are both entertaining and thought-provoking. I bring action, adventure, mystery, and thrills to all my books.

I’ve raised $300,000+ on Kickstarter across 20+ projects in novels, anthologies, comics, and audio dramas. The Kickstarter Accelerator combines all my knowledge of the past 7 years of running projects on Kickstarter into a single system that works for publishing projects.

I was born in northern New Jersey, grew up in Northern Virginia, went to college in Maryland, and now I live in Los Angeles with my wife and dogs.

Monica Leonelle

I’m a USA Today bestselling author best known for my book publishing and business expertise at My nonfiction series, The Productive Novelist, has sold over 60,000 copies and helped thousands of writers write faster, become better storytellers, and find their way to success.

I have been independently publishing since 2009 and have written 40+ books across fiction and nonfiction (encompassing three pen names). Before becoming an independent author, I led digital marketing efforts at Inc. 100 companies like Hansen’s Natural and Braintree.

Fastest-funded campaign!

“Monica and Russell have literally written the book on kickstarting for authors and it was their guidance and mentoring that allowed me to fully fund my first Kickstarter in 9 minutes. Their guidance is clear, concise, effective, and honestly brilliant. As an indie author, I’m always looking for ways to branch out and expand my reach and audience. Kickstarter is just what I needed, and they make it work. I highly recommend their books and workshops. You can’t go wrong.”


Frequently Asked Questions

The book is foundational to help people decide to do a campaign. We go way deeper on the topics in the course though. We believe the three greatest points of value is access to the community, step by step personalized feedback, and walkthroughs of every aspect of your campaign.
Other things are the mentorship, shared knowledge, behind the scenes of Russell’s campaigns, ability to ask questions, and tons of additional videos and training content.
The book is meant to explore your curiosities, while the Kickstarter Accelerator is for when you are actually running a project.

The videos and content are accessible as self-study at your own pace through Teachable. The mentorship, questions, accountability, and community aspects of the program are delivered through our Facebook group.

The program is all about doing your campaign, and it’s hard to learn the platform without applying what you are learning.

The only advantage to getting in earlier is that you can watch others launch and learn through osmosis to some extent. You’ll also get a better deal on pricing, and who knows what we will change about the program between now and the campaign.

We will stop admitting people on April 30th 2022 or when we reach 100 seats sold.

We don’t allow cancellations on the payment plan. We are offering our time and energy upfront and letting you pay for the majority of the program after you’ve accessed all of it, so you need to complete your payments on it. The minute you sign up, you agree that you owe us all 12 payments, so please do not sign up if you do not intend to complete your payments.

Because it costs us time, money, and energy when you don’t pay, we reserve the right to pursue what is owed to us through any legal means possible.

Please contact us if you need a revised payment plan due to hardship or another extenuating circumstance at

Because the content is delivered immediately, we don’t issue refunds unless we don’t deliver the material.

Please contact us if there is a problem with the program, as that is the best way to discuss a refund:

If you issue a fraudulent chargeback at any point while working with us, we will fight and win, which affects your bank privileges and credit score. Don’t do it.

Private messaging is not included in the program. We also don’t handle support of the program via private messaging. Please instead use the following means of contacting us:

If you have a question about the material, please post it in the group.

If you have a support question, please post it in the group (if relevant to the group) or email the support team if it’s something personal:

If you have a program housekeeping question, please do one of the above and it will all get sorted.

If you have a question that you must ask Russell or Monica privately, please email to book a one-on-one consultation.

$6,000+ on a first campaign…

“YOU ALL I AM CRYING!!!! My first campaign ever is 267% funded in just 2.5 hours and I’m so overwhelmed and grateful I’m just over here crying. Sooo many years of struggling and struggling to make a buck or get my books seen at all… To have this kind of response to my first ever campaign has just floored me. And from very few backers. This just blows my mind… BANK NOT RANK. I’m a Kickstarter convert 1000%… thank you thank you again Russell and Monica… once again, you have totally changed my little indie life!!!!”


Join the Kickstarter Accelerator

You get access to the program and group immediately.

Option #1: The Kickstarter Accelerator One-Time Payment of $599

Secure your spot in the program now for a one-time and total payment of $599, and get all of our pay-in-full bonuses!

Because you get access to all the content immediately, there are no refunds.

Option #2: Join Our Membership: The Kickstarter Accelerator + Direct Sales Accelerator + Go Wide, Grow Wide for $297/quarter

Secure your spot in the program for $297/quarter, and get all of our bonuses!

Because you get access to all the content immediately, there are no refunds.

From failed/cancelled projects to $5k in six months…

“I got ‘Projects We Love’ and almost doubled my funding goal. Thank you!!”


© WRITER MBA | By Russell Nohelty and Monica Leonelle  |  TERMS & PRIVACY POLICY